Laura McKaig Physical Therapy is NOW...
Offering Pelvic Floor Therapy for Men and Women in the Greater Kansas City Area.
Resource Library
See something of interest here? Order as many different titles as you like. We're here to help educate you about all things related to your pelvic floor.

Tired of leaking like a sieve after your prostate removal or prostate surgery? Wish you could tell your bladder to “Piss Off!”? That’s what the eyebrow-raising title of this book suggests--you probably want your urine stream to be turned OFF more often!
It goes beyond your typical Kegels or “the top three exercises to fix your leakage,” to offer a comprehensive, whole-body approach to your recovery. It also shares true stories of other men who have struggled with this issue, fought to find a solution--and won. Find out how they applied the methods in this book to stop their leakage problem.