Laura McKaig Physical Therapy is NOW...
Offering Pelvic Floor Therapy for Men and Women in the Greater Kansas City Area.
Success Stories
Too many of the men and women we see are at their wit's end dealing with their
silent suffering from pelvic floor issues. Our mission is to put an end to problems
that DO have solutions. We share these success stories to show you that reclaiming
your life and your freedom from pain and lack of control are truly possible.
Elaine's Story, age 68
"You become a hostage of your sensations rather
than having a conversation with your sensations."
Chief Issue: Urinary Urgency
Elaine came to see me about a year ago. Her main problem was urinary urgency. She would get that sudden strong urge and have to immediately stop what she was doing to rush to the bathroom.
It was frustrating. Her bladder was running her life and her schedule. She couldn't finish her favorite exercise class because she always had to run to the bathroom midway through. She always had to know where ALL the bathrooms were anytime she went somewhere.
It was also embarrassing. She told me about the times that she wouldn't make it and had an accident on the way.
Elaine wanted to DO something that allowed her to get control back. To fix the problem itself rather than mask the symptoms. We got to work.
Result: No longer controlled by her bladder
Six treatments later, Elaine was free from her urgent bladder sensations! She could enjoy exercising without worry. She was no longer controlled by the fear of "what if I have an accident?" And she felt very empowered.
Joseph's Story, age 39
"I thought I'd never run again, but I realized I just needed to find the right partner to help get me there."
​Chief Issue: Post-Surgery Pain and Discomfort Following Cancer Surgery
Joseph's life was turned upside-down when he was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer in his lower abdominal/pelvic region. He underwent a grueling regimen of chemo, radiation, followed by extensive abdominal/pelvic reconstructive surgery.
Eight weeks after surgery, his surgeon cleared him to “resume his normal activity level.” Joseph, an avid long-distance runner, would have loved to believe his doctor knew best, but Joseph knew that his body was NOT ready to resume much of anything -- especially the thing he loved most which was long distance running.
During visits with his surgeons, he regularly asked to be referred to pelvic floor therapy which he had heard could be effective for the discomfort he was experiencing, but his requests fell on deaf ears. Never one to give up, Joseph decided to do his own search and found Pelvic Connection (thankfully!)
Clearly, Joseph's PT rehab needs were unique and complex, but we explained that positive results were absolutely achievable. Joseph brought a mountain of motivation to the table; all we needed was time, focus and a personalized plan.
Result: Back to competitive running after just six months
After two months of physical therapy, Joseph was able to run one mile at a slow pace. Just four months later, he was able to run in and cross the finish line of his first 10K race since his cancer diagnosis. Another life restored.
Joan's Story, age 82
“Before, I didn’t know what to do about my incontinence. Now, I have a plan; I know how to control the problem.”
Chief Issue: Urinary Incontinence
Joan had suffered for a long time with urinary incontinence. She was plagued by strong, sudden urges to pee, and often didn't make it to the bathroom on time. She had kept her condition a secret from everyone and couldn't go anywhere without pads. However, after attending one of our Pelvic Connection workshops, Joan realized that maybe she could do something about it and gave us a call.
While Joan had several other medical issues, she said that her bladder leakage was the one that bothered her the most. Joan's treatments involved helping her understand how the nervous system was connected to urgency and teaching her techniques to calm it down and “hold back the tide” to avoid accidents.
Result: Able to control the leakage with significant leakage reduction
After just 10 visits, Joan celebrated an 80% improvement in her symptoms.
Tanya's Story, age 29
"Laura taught me how to physically take control of my pain and rise above it. I have done that. I'm finally free."
Chief Issue: Birth Trauma, Postpartum Pain
Tanya was referred by her family practice doctor. She had a very traumatic birth experience about 10 months prior, both emotionally and physically. She could not breathe deeply without pain (2 cracked ribs and several others out of place), and she wasn’t able to have sexual intercourse with her husband because it still hurt too much. We worked together for quite a while and in conjunction with her chiropractor.
After three months, Tanya was able to breathe pain-free. Intimacy also became a pain-free experience and Tanya and her husband were thrilled. Tanya did get pregnant again and gave birth to Baby #3 without complications.
Result: No more pain with sex, and welcomed a third child
Tanya incorporated everything she learned during our work together into her daily life and is back to enjoying intimacy with her husband. She was able to put it all into practice during her third pregnancy and childbirth and was blessed with a much more positive and empowering birth experience.