Laura McKaig Physical Therapy is NOW...
Offering Pelvic Floor Therapy for Men and Women in the Greater Kansas City Area.
What You Need to Know About Male Urinary Issues.
Let's see how many symptoms you recognize...
1. Have you been eyeing adult diapers and pads at the grocery store because you find yourself leaking
large or small amounts of urine at the worst possible times, like when you're not near the bathroom?
You've got an incontinence problem.
2. Are you one of those "I gotta go NOW" guys? Do you map out all the toilet stops before a car trip or
have to excuse yourself from parties or meetings to hit the head, again and again? How's your sleep
these days? Interrupted multiple times a night to urinate? You've got an urgency problem.
3. Do you stand in front of the urinal waiting for the flow to start, but nothing happens? You've got a
hesitancy problem.
4. Do you experience a constant feeling that you have to urinate and that feeling of never adequately
emptying your bladder? You've got an incomplete bladded emptying problem.
5. When you've just relieved yourself and think you're done, you suddenly find yourself peeing a few
more drops (and thank goodness you haven't zipped up yet)? You've got a post-void dribble problem.
You know that these problems aren't normal, regardless of your age. Perhaps your primary care physician or your urologist has run all the tests and didn’t find any root medical cause. You haven't had any surgery or trauma to the area. And you don't have an enlarged prostate. But, with every unexpected need to pee, you know something is wrong.
Good news is, these problems are often treatable with pelvic floor therapy. You can regain control over your bladder so that it no longer controls you. Pelvic Connection could be the solution that gives you back your freedom.
While you're here, explore these other male pelvic floor issues:
You don't have to just live with it. We can help.